Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Female Circumcision in Egypt

Mohammed Alzhrani
Professor Beiber
English 113B
24 September 2012
                                                        Female Circumcision in Egypt
               Yolande Knell, BBC World Channel reporter showed from Egypt how women are treated and how Nermin, an Egyptian 13 year old girl, died in a local clinic while receiving an illegal circumcision operation. The reporter conversed with local women in Nermin’s village and she described that the women are having less awareness and knowledge about the female genital mutilation. Although female circumcision is not required in some religions and disapproved in others, female genital mutilation is a violation of human rights and gender inequality. Female circumcision violates an individual's right to health, safety, and the right not to be exposed to any treatment categorized as torture.
                Female circumcision is the removal of the external genital of the female organs for non-medical reasons. Usually who circumcise women is a traditional circumciser, who is considered as an important person in the places where the female circumcision is common (World Health Organization). World Health Organization categorized the female circumcision to four categories; first, the total or partial removal of the clitoris and this involves in the removal of the skin or the whole clitoris. Second kind of circumcision, is circumcise the labia and the clitoris; and the main purpose of this kind is to cut the labia with or without the clitoris. Third, is the Pharonic circumcision ,which is the worst kind, this kind is practiced in Africa and the world health organization describes it as “narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal that is formed by cutting and repositioning the inner labia.” The fourth category is other thing that includes processes with the female genital for non-medical reason such as piercing.
     The female circumcision has harmful health consequences. Female circumcision has no any health benefits but it harms the girl, hurts her genitals and destroys the tissues of the genitals. According to Lancet Medical Journal “It has medical, psychological, and psychosexual consequences, Nor should one forget the unacceptably high number of young girls who die as a result of life threatening infections such as tetanus or hemorrhage; in areas of Sudan where antibiotics are not available, a third of the girls undergoing female genital mutilation are estimated to die from infection.” The timeline of the health risk starts from the beginning of the cut, when the female is fighting and resisting against the circumcision, which causes her a lot of horror and causing her an emotional and psychological pain. Second, it could potentially cause death if the female bleeds too much, and in most of the African countries like Egypt they don’t have the proper medicine to stop bleeding due to the poor preparation in medical infrastructure. Third, the psychological aftershock is extremely difficult to cope with because some women still suffer the pain of remembering how her parents forced her to do the circumcision. For instance, the brave Waris Dirie who was born in Somalia had a circumcision at the age of five and wrote a book about her terrifying experience. Fourth, possible sexual dilemmas occur once the woman marries. She may not have the pleasure of sex because the clitoris has been cut and the woman may experience a lot of bleeding while having sexual intercourse. Finally, it is dangerous for women who have had the circumcision to get pregnant and experience childbirth, because it might cause death to the infant while the woman is in labor. The Doctors recommend males to do a male circumcision which is considered healthy. Therefore, female circumcision is accounted as unhealthy procedure.

             Female Circumcision reported highly in Egypt because of the old cultural traditions, which inherited from the Pharaonic times. In Egypt they circumcise the girls to protect the honor of the family, they claim that the circumcised women have a virtue and the uncircumcised women are promiscuous. Also, they think that circumcision protect the women from being involved in sexual intercourses. In Egypt once the woman involves in a sexual intercourse in the pre-marriage that is considered polluting the family honor. On the other hand, the married women lose the right to have the sex pleasure and the sexual intercourse became under the dominance of the man, and she cannot enjoy it as a human but she became a tool for sexual pleasure, which is measured as a human rights violation. In Egypt, some people who entitle them selves as a religious scholar says that female circumcision is a good thing to do in Islam, but in fact, Islam did not mention anything about it in the Quran, or the Hadith of Prophet Mohammed –Peace be upon him- and they misunderstand between the culture and the religion.
           Female circumcision is a surgery that involves removing the female genitals totally or partially. A female circumcision is not like surgery in the operation room, but it is a bloody, violent surgery where women and men force the girl to have the procedure. According to the World Health Organization this bad habit affect approximately, 140 million female around the world (World Health Organization), and the reason for the high violated women is the lack of education which is one of the main reasons that make the female circumcision popular in Egypt. Most of Egyptian people think that female circumcision is a cultural matter that has been inherited from the Pharonic ages; however, they think it is healthy as the Pharonic said. And some other Egyptian mixed between the religious orders and traditions and they think it is from Islam to do the female circumcision. Many scholars and religious scholars in Egypt began to give lectures to people to raise the awareness of the people to let them rethink about the operation and how it is unhealthy (Knell).
In conclusion, Female circumcision is an immoral cultural crime. And the world ought to find solutions to stop it in Egypt by stating the international legalizations and laws that criminalize who does it, and who incites it. People suppose to change their bad cultural habits, which take human’s freedom and health. Also, Scholars and activists should talk about the female circumcision and raise the awareness and people knowledge.

Work Cited
  BBC News. BBC, 09 Feb. 2010. Web. 22 Sept. 2012.

"Female Genital Mutilation." WHO. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. 

Flodes, Pierre, Béatrice Cuzin, and Armelle Andro. "Reconstructive Surgery after Female
      Genital Mutilation: A Prospective Cohort Study." Pierre Foldès, Béatrice Cuzin, Armelle
     Andro 14 July 2012: 134-41. Web. 22 Sept. 2012.  <http://download.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140673612604000.pdf?id=40bade475

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